The shirt is cotton voile I picked up earlier this year at the old Honest Ed's fabricland (I miss it so much now! :'(...). The pattern I adapted from the "Portrait Blouse" pattern in Gertie's New Book for Better Sewing. The different sizing system was a bit confusing at first (different from the paper pattern sizing/adjustments I'm accustomed to), but having made it up now, I like how high the armscye is in this pattern, and the fit is decently good. Among the adjustments I did, I decided not to go to all the work of putting in a size zipper for what amounted to a t-shirt (what's the point of tee's if they're difficult to make, am I right?) so I took out the tucks in the front and back and left it as a pullover. This changed the fit a bit, but it still works decently for my purposes. I also changed the neckline facing to a bias self-fabric strip, because the material was a bit too light for a thicker interfaced finish.
For this skirt I didn't use a pattern at all- just a tube pleated onto a waistband. I made the length so that I hope it will work for cycling; this seems to be about the length to keep a skirt out of the gears, and at the same time keep you nicely covered while riding. I actually pleated it last winter, but recently finished all the fastenings at the top so that it is actually functional! I really like the dotted print on the fabric... I find it to be a pleasantly busy pattern.
Now back to school for me. Hope summer has been good for you too, dear readers!
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